Henan Kelefu Equipment Technology Co., Ltd.
Principais produtos:Equipamento de moagem, equipamento de secagem, equipamento de esmagamento e fabricação de areia, equipamento de lavagem e desidratação de areia, equipamento de argamassa seca
drying equipment
It is characterized by reliable operation, large production capacity, high work efficiency and low overall energy consumption.
Grinding equipment
The grinding roller adopts oil-immersed lubrication system and marine-grade sealing device, which changes the traditional bearing grease lubrication and industrial felt sealing, not only prolongs the service life of the grinding roller, but also reduces the labor intensity and the later operation cost.
Crushing equipment
The crushing chamber is deep and has no dead zone, which improves the feeding capacity and output. Its crushing ratio is large, the product granularity is uniform, the noise is low, and the dust is low.